
PluginLib offers a simple way to create your commands and handles a few errors in the process

Creating a Command

To create a command within your plugin, you can do the following

Add the command to your plugin.yml

name: FakePlugin
author: Darrionat
main: me.darrionat.FakePlugin
description: A fake plugin with commands
version: 1.0.0
api-version: 1.13

    usage: /<command>

Create a BaseCommand

package me.darrionat.fakeplugin.commands;

import org.bukkit.command.Command;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;

import me.darrionat.pluginlib.Plugin;
import me.darrionat.pluginlib.commands.BaseCommand;

public class FakeCommand extends BaseCommand {

	public FakeCommand(Plugin plugin) {

	public String getCommandLabel() {
		return "ban";

	protected void runNoArgs(CommandSender sender, Command command, String label, String[] args) {
		 * Do stuff

Since the class above has no subcommands defined, it will always simply just run the runNoArgsmethod.


A SubCommand is defined as a command that uses the same label as its parent BaseCommand but it has a different first argument.

For example, your plugin has the base command /ban. You can add subcommands such as /ban list or /ban player.

Adding a SubCommand to your BaseCommand

To add a SubCommand to a BaseCommand, you can use BaseCommand#addSubCommand(SubCommand).

public FakeCommand(Plugin plugin) {
		addSubCommand(new FakeSubCommand(this, plugin));

Example of a SubCommand Class

package me.darrionat.fakeplugin.commands;

import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;

import me.darrionat.pluginlib.Plugin;
import me.darrionat.pluginlib.commands.BaseCommand;
import me.darrionat.pluginlib.commands.SubCommand;

public class FakeSubCommand extends SubCommand {

	public FakeSubCommand(BaseCommand parentCommand, Plugin plugin) {
		super(parentCommand, plugin);
	public String getSubCommand() {
		// /ban list
		return "list";

	public int getRequiredArgs() {
		 * /ban list <- one argument
		 * This should always be greater than or equal to 1
		return 1;

	public boolean onlyPlayers() {
		return false;

	protected void runCommand(CommandSender sender, String[] args) {
		 * Do stuff

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