
  enabled: true
  string: '&a&l[COMMAND COOLDOWN] '
cooldownMessage: '&7You still have %time% remaining for %command%'
notifyConsole: '&7%player% tried to use that command with %time% left!'
doesNotExist: '&7That command cooldown does not exist.'
deleteSuccessful: '&7Deleted successfully'
creationSuccessful: '&7Created successfully'
notNumber: '&7Use a number for the cooldown'
noCommands: '&7There are no commands with cooldowns'
noPermission: '&7You do not have the permission %perm%'
reloadSuccessful: '&7Reloaded config.yml'
toggleBypass: '&7Bypass Commands: %status%'
notAPlayer: '&7Only players can use that command'
bypassingCooldown: '&7Bypassing cooldown'
newAlias: '&7Added new alias'
onlyPlayers: '&7Only players may use that command'
onCooldown: '&7Commands currently on cooldown'
noCooldowns: '&7Currently, you have no commands on a cooldown'

waitingForLabel: '&7Say a command label(without arguments and without the first /) that youd like to add a cooldown to'
addCooldown: '&7Say the amount of time, in seconds, you want to be the base cooldown for %command%'
addArguments: '&a%command% &7selected, please say in chat what arguments you want to add a cooldown to'
addCooldownToArguments: '&7Say the amount of time, in seconds, you want to be the cooldown for &a/%label% %arguments%'
createdCooldown: '&7You added a cooldown of &a%cooldown%s &7to &a%command%'
createdArgsCooldown: '&7You added a cooldown of &a%cooldown%s &7to the command &a/%label% %arguments%'

notACommandLabel: '&7That is not a command label! Send a command without arguments and without the first / &aExample: warp'
notACooldown: '&7That is not a cooldown! Please send a cooldown in seconds in chat &aExample: 30'
notArguments: '&7That is not a string with arguments! &aTip: Arguments are after the command label'
cancelEdit: '&7Use &c/cc cancel &7to exit the editor at any time'
cancelledEdit: '&7You have cancelled all current actions'
playerIsInEditor: '&7You are currently editing a command! To cancel anytime, use &c/cc cancel'
playerIsNotInEditor: '&7You are not currently editing a command!'

removeLabelChosen: '&a%command% &7selected, please say in chat what arguments you want to remove a cooldown from. Say &a* &7to remove the whole cooldown.'

waitingForAlias: '&a%command% &7selected, please say what alias you would like to add to the cooldown'

Last updated