
Detailed information on how Autosell works

Autosell is a feature that allows a player to automatically sell their items for whatever type of economy the plugin uses. The player is able to automatically sell items if the option is enabled within the config.yml. Autosell can be used when blocks go directly to a player's inventory or it can be used via a timer.


A rank gives a player access to a set of selling prices. Ranks can be created within the autosell.yml file. Ranks have names that will not be displayed, but they should be seen in a player's permissions.

Giving a Player a Rank

To give a player a rank, you must give them the permission prisonpick.rank.rankName.

If a player has multiple ranks, and two or more have a price for the same item, the highest selling price will be used.


A price is a combination of a selling material and a sell value. To set a price for a rank, within the autosell.yml, you can add a price by adding itemtype: sellPrice to the rank's config section. If there is an invalid material, a warning will be printed in the console and the item will not be taken into account. For the full list of valid item types, click here.

Last updated